一分鐘生命思考我們不會在三分鐘內成功,但也許只要一分鐘,生命從此不同。不久前,對岸的某個網站做了一個趣味性的心理調查,問所有的女人,西遊記的四個師徒讓你選,你願意嫁給誰?結果,豬八戒出了線。女人擅長使用消去法。她們說,唐三藏有什麼好?遇事百無一用,只會念阿彌陀佛,還貪生怕死,不陽不陰,想守戒卻敵不過蜘蛛精孫悟空也不好。給人念了緊箍咒,只會給「領導」賣命,一翻筋斗就是十萬八千里,哪裡管得到?這種人必然不顧家,嫁給他日子必然過得不好。沙悟淨人太老實,沒情調,沒意思,沒個性,沒滋味。豬八戒有感情,會享受,懂生活,會說甜言蜜語, 不安分,使人牽腸掛肚,正是時下最受歡迎的談情高手。對岸女性的選擇,還真有她們的道理。以前的女人選的必是唐僧,因為他畢竟是個長相較好的白面書生,比較沒有七情六慾,如今這樣的男人已經失去了行情。那一邊的年輕女人,思考已經轉向。


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  • Jan 20 Fri 2012 23:27
  • 旭蟹




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歌手Junjin告知不管前總統盧武鉉逝世消息而執意進行活動的某主辦單位將不參與活動等寧願忍受著也因這消息影響而暫停活動的藝人. 9日推出"Hey Ya!"come back的Junjin,在23日獲悉前總統盧武鉉驟世的消息後,自動自發的取消宣傳專輯的行程.也因這事件後直接向執意進行活動的大邱某主辦單位告知將不參與活動的進行. Junjin某相關人員26日表示"我想在這樣的時間點不適合表演舞曲"及"因為這周無法進行活動,國內的宣傳活動似乎僅能進行一個月,這也是沒有辦法的事". Junjin將於這月底開始在每個周末進行亞洲巡迴演出,有將近一個月的時間無法在國內的周末音樂節目上演出.也只能在平常預錄的MBC"無限挑戰"節目上看到他. 相關人員附帶說明"因為進行亞洲巡迴演出,這周將展開最棒的"Hey Ya!"活動,不只是我們大家都非常的辛苦,寧願大家一起忍耐度過這段時間". 另一方面,除了Junjin外蔡妍˙李貞賢等也都將在come back後展開新專輯的宣傳活動,也因位前總統的消息使得舞曲歌手們大家的行程都相對減少,將自下周開始再一次展開新的活動. 來源: 亞洲經濟 翻譯: http://blog.udn.com/patty0922轉載請註明


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?????????~ ?????????????????????????????? ??? ?? ?????^^
希望現在照片可以上傳了~上週錄音中吃紫菜包飯的時候發現的Andy牌筷子?????雨一直下著大家都在幹什麼呢? ^^


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090808 Andy Love in BKK記者會問答
Interview With Andy Andy: Sawasdee Krub (Speaking Thai) Andy:大家好(泰語) Q: What is the special significance for coming to Thailand and having “Meet & Greet” event this time? Q:這次來泰國舉辦Fanmeeting有什?重要的意義嗎? Andy:This time, I do not come here as a member of Shinhwa, but as Andy the solo artist. Andy:這次我不是以神話成員的身份來到這裏,而是以Andy個人的藝人身份。 Q:What projects are you working on right now? And when the fans can hear your 2nd solo album? Q:你現在正在進行什?計劃呢?什?時候fans才能聽到你的第二張個人專輯? Andy:Now I am playing in the drama ‘Two Wives” and preparing my new solo album, which will be released soon. Andy:我現在在拍攝電視劇“兩個妻子”,還有在我的個人專輯,不久就會發行了。 Q:Let’s talk about variety show “Just Married”. Do you have any impressions after being on the show? Q:讓我們談談“我們結婚了”這個綜藝節目。你參加了這個節目之後有什?感想? Andy:Honestly, it was a very meaningful moment for me. While filming, I felt like I was married for real. And If I were married, I would also treat my wife like this. That made me excited and I had a very good time. Andy:坦白說,這是一段對我來說非常有意義的時間。當我在拍攝的時候,我感覺我真的結婚了一樣。而且如果我結婚了,我也會這樣對待我的妻子。那讓我非常興奮,我度過了很開心的時光。 Q:In the show, you were coupled with Solbi. How did you feel? Q:在節目裏,你和solbi搭檔,感覺怎?樣? Andy:A lot of people have asked this question: have Solbi and I ever dated for real? The answer is “No”. Solbi and I are like brother & sister. Sometimes, we sent greeting SMS to each but lately we have been busy with our activities so we do not have much time to talk. Anyway, Solbi still send messages asking me about my new album and I reply and tell her to work hard. So we are just caring brother & sister. Andy:很多人會這?問我:你和solbi是不是真的在交往?答案當然是“不是”。Solbi和我就像兄妹一樣。有時候,我們會互相發問候的短信,但是最近我們都忙著自己的活動,所以並沒有很多時間交談。不管怎樣,solbi還是會發信息問我新專輯的情況,我會回複,並且告訴她要努力工作。所以我們只是像兄妹一樣關心對方。 Q:Coming to Thailand only by yourself this time, what do you feel? Do you feel differently comparing to your last trip? Q:這次你一個人來泰國,感覺如何呢?和上次你來有什?不同嗎? Andy:It is such a long time that I have not been to Thailand. In 2006, I came here with my Shinhwa members but this time I come alone. So, I only think that I have to do my best and at first I thought that the weather here would be hotter but it is almost the same as in Korea. Andy:很長時間沒有來泰國了。2006年,我是和神話成員們一起來的,但是這次,我一個人來了。所以,我只是想我必須盡我最大的努力,還有最開始會想這裏的天氣可能會更熱一點,但是到了之後感覺和韓國幾乎差不多。 Here is the exclusive interview with Andy about his role as a producer for the duo “Jumper”. 以下是對作?二人組合“Jumper”製作人的Andy的獨家訪問。 Q:Why did you choose to be producer for ‘Jumper’? Q:你?什?選擇做“Jumper”的製作人? Andy:Because both of them are very talented and I’d like to make their dream come true. In that time, I wanted to do project for duo singers as well. Jumper did a very good job and the warm feedback from the fans encouraged ‘Jumper’ very much and it made me happy and proud. Andy:因?他們兩個人都是很有才能的,我想讓他們的夢想變成現實。而且在那時候,我也想做二人組歌手的制作人。Jumper表現的很棒,fans溫暖的回饋給了他們非常多的鼓勵,而且也讓我很開心和自豪。 Q: Now you are singer, actor and producer. In your opinion what quality a singer should have? Q:現在你是歌手,演員和製作人。你認?一個歌手應有的品質是什?? Andy:First of all, you should have a dream and a will. Besides being able to sing and dance, you must know how to present yourself but the most important things are determination and effort. They are keys to success. Andy:首先,你應該有夢想和意志力。除了能唱會跳,你必須知道怎樣展現自己,最重要的是決心和努力。它們是成功之鑰。 Q:What is your role in the drama ‘Two Wives’? Q:在電視劇“兩個妻子”當中的角色是怎樣的? Andy:I’m playing as “Yoon Num Joon”. His character is lively and bright but he has never been successful in what he do. He has lived in a happy and warm family until his father passed away. 29-years-old Yoon Num Joon suddenly becomes the head of family. While filming, producer told me to act more lively so now I try to be livelier in real life. Andy:我扮演“尹楠俊”。這個角色非常活潑聰明,但是他從來沒有成功過。直到父親去世前,他生活在一個幸福溫暖的家庭。29歲的尹楠俊突然成?了一家之長。在拍攝的時候,導演讓我演的更生動活潑一點,所以我在現實生活中也正在試著變得更活潑些。 After asking about his activities, we are now moving to the next topic 問過了關於他的表演,我們接著下一個話題 Q:What do you want to do while being here? Q:在泰國這段期間,你打算做什?呢? Andy:Personally, I love eating so coming to Thailand this time, I want to go to Thai famous restaurants and eat their special dishes as much as possible. I also want to go to famous places like Jatujak (weekend market) or Kaosan Road (famous place where foreigner loves to stay and shop). Andy:就個人來說,我很喜歡美食,所以來了泰國,我想去有名的泰式餐館並且盡可能多的品嘗那裏的特色美食。我還想去一些有名的地方,比如Jatujak(周末的集市)或者Kaosan路(外國人很喜歡去那裏暫住和購物) Q: Are’t you afraid that the fans will recognize you? Q:你會害怕fans認出你嗎? Andy: (Laughing) They will? Andy:(大笑)她們會嗎? Q:In “Just Married ”, everyone saw that you can cook very well. So, we’d like to know if you are a really good cook. Q:在“我們結婚了”裏面,大家都看到你很擅長做菜。所以我們想知道你是不是真的是一個好廚師。 Andy: (Smiling) it’s good enough to cook for myself. Andy:(笑)就做給我自己吃的話,夠好了。 Q: What dishes you can cook well? Q:哪些菜你做的最好呢? Andy:Korean food, especially soup and curry. I can do it all. Actually I cook from what I can find from my fridge. Andy:韓食,特別是湯和咖喱。我都會做。事實上我會用能從我的冰箱裏找到的東西做菜。 And the last question that fans would like to know. Fans會想知道的最後一個問題 Q:After joining variety show “Just Married”, do you want to marry? Are you afraid of married life? How do you think about married life? Q:在參加了“我們結婚了”這個綜藝節目之後,你想要結婚嗎?你會害怕婚後生活嗎?你對婚後生活怎?看? Andy: Honestly, when I got an offer for joining this show, I really wanted to be a part of it because I badly wanted to be married. I’m living alone. Every morning I wake up then go to work and come back home alone. This makes me feel quite lonely. However, after being in this show, I feel like being married means more responsibility. So, I might not be able to hang out with my friends often. Anyway, I still want to marry and have lovely children (He shows his bright smile and acting like holding a baby). Andy:實話說,我得到參加這個節目的邀請的時候,真的很想成?它的一分子,因?我非常想結婚。我一個人生活。每天早晨我獨自醒來,然後一個人去工作,一個人回家。這讓我感覺很孤單。但是參加這個節目之後,我覺得結婚意味著更多的責任。所以,我可能不會經常跟我的朋友出去玩。不管怎樣,我還是希望結婚,然後有可愛的小孩。(他露出好看的笑容,並且做出像抱著一個嬰兒的動作)。 Q: Last question. Please say something to your fans in Thai or English. Q:最後一個問題。請對你的fans用泰語或者英語說幾句話。 Andy:(laughing and speaking in Thai) Sawasdee Krab…Indeed I would like to speak more but the pronunciation is very difficult for me so I only can say this. (Smiling). Andy:(大笑,然後用泰語說)大家好。。。 我真的很想多說幾句,但是發音對我來說實在太難了,所以我只能說這個。(笑) After press conference, Andy heads to Siam Paragon where fans are waiting for him. 記者招待會結束後,Andy前往Siam Paragon,那裏有fans在等待著他。 From:AndyLeeFamily Credits: Chokobo@Juxta-dream Eng trans by immi&carina_jeab@kimdongwanthailand 翻譯:yj1987@AndyTheWorld 轉載請注明出處~

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